Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Tase of Language

It really is quite shocking how a simple drink, such as the well known iced tea, can be so thought provoking and in depth if you let your mind wander. Brown in colour and sharp in taste it is exciting to decorate such a thirst quenching beverage with a toothpick umbrella and a slice of lemon placed on the side of a tall glass filled with ice. It is perfect to be served at a poolside party with good friends on a hot summer day. Picture iced tea as a tall waterfall streaming down the mountain-side in spring. You sit on the rocks surrounding the pool as it is filled by the waterfall's stream and watch as it weaves it's path through the trees and meets the end of it's journey and falls into the pool. As a person, iced tea is defiantly one to befriend. He is generous, helpful, and cares for the well-being of others, putting them first. While lighthearted and cheerful, they enjoy being acknowledged and appreciated, and as with most people, enjoy compliments on their highly advanced fashion sense.

Iced tea...would you like a glass?

Blogging about blogging...

In English 12 this year, I would enjoy blogging about a wide range of topics. I enjoy having both very structured and specific topics, as well as very open ones. A topic I am very passionate about and would enjoy the opportunity to write about this year is environmental awareness. The topic can be as broad as just simply environmental disasters occurring today, or more specific such as global warming, or even experiences you've had personally with working to help the environment . (Those going to Africa this spring break would have a great starter).

This is what I would enjoy blogging about this year with Mrs.Searcy!

Friday, September 5, 2008


If I was a superhero and could choose any superpower possible, though the decision would be quite difficult to make, I would choose invisibility! I think this power would be beneficial in many ways.

Having safety when in danger, helping others without them knowing, hiding when I run into someone I don't want to talk to, being found somewhere I shouldn't be, being able to do things without getting caught, not having to worry about having money because I could just steal things, not having to worry about obstacles (such as walls) in my way because I could just walk through them, but best of all, I could travel anywhere I want whenever I want without having to worry about air fare and all other traveling precautions and I wouldn't even take up a seat on the plane!

These are just a few examples of what could happen if I was invisible.
I would use my power to it's full advantage.

...ahh...the possibilities...