Thursday, October 30, 2008

Blog Choice; Rant

Homework. Something we can all relate to from one point in our lives as "hell". This is why I love Searcy. There are so many points against homework that I've had on my mind from the day I got my first assignment. It causes me so much stress in fact, that I started to write my own debate on it. I have thought of many great points in my argument like the following:

1)Homework is a waste of a students social life.
-When assigened hours of homework on a regular basis like done in senior high and college and university, it tends to take over a large amount of a students life. Keeping friendships is diffucult to do when there is no time in your busy schedual to get out and live your life. This can lead to many other harsh effects on a smaller scale, such as depression depression because of lonliness.

2)Homework can lead to larger health issues.
-On top of the point on depression discussed above, homework can affect a students health on a larger scale. When distracted from the outside world and cooped up in a room all the time, the outdoors becomes more and more rare and technology becomes more of a reality. We all know that technology can lead to things such as cancer. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, back and neck problems, and migranes are all issues that can become present from excess computer use.

3)Homework takes away from the other important things in a students life.
-Family, religion, and many other important things in a students life are pushed to the side when overwhelmed with too much homework.

4)Where is the limit for the amount of time spent in the books?
-Depending on your grade or classes in a college or university, there is approximately 6 hours or more spent in a classroom setting learing and doing work somewhat productively and then we are expected to spend our free time and MORE hours doing MORE work?

5)A punishment for students.
-Is it really our fault that the lecture takes more time then offered in a class? Should we be punished for not being able to do quality work in the assigned amount of time? Is it right to be punished with late marks when a homework assignment isn't done on time? These are just a few of the questions I ask myself....

Homework. Fair or not?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Troubles with Ignorance and Carelessness

In the movie "A Walk To Remember", Landon Carter who is the popular, good looking jock in his high school wants to welcome his new classmate to his club, but under one condition; He is to dive off a very tall bridge that is not only dangerous because of the depth of water and undertow, but illegal. He ends up in hospital brutally hurt for a long time after. Landon who is a good guy, was conditioned to make someone do something he knew was wrong, in turn, doing wrong himself. The story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson relates directly to the speech "The Perils of Indifference" by Elie Wiesel. The ending of Jackson's story comes as a complete and utter shock to it's readers when perfectly normal and passive people (as we know them, anyway) stone an innocent lady (as done annually) simply because she won the "lottery". After reading through this story, though some may argue that the people in these situations don't know any better, we see that its point is that good people can be conditioned to do bad and evil things without knowing the bad and evil in it. This is the exact topic spoken about in Wiesel's speech when he discusses the Holocaust. Though sad and sometimes unbelievable, this very true fact can occur in so many ways on many different scales and can become reality easily to many society's, races, countries, and people in general.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Review

The movie "Sex In The City" is an exuberant and hilariously thrilling experience that I would recommend to anybody over the age of 17. Though pointless and not in the least thought provoking, this definite chick-flick is one of great enjoyability for us girls. It focuses on the lives of 5 women living the "good life" in New York, and, with each of them presenting their own story, made it a very relatable movie for many. Its humorous techniques were unique and shocking at many parts in the film leaving some of its viewers dissapointed and dismayed, and others laughing their way out of the theater and wondering who they're going to tell about the fantastic movie they saw last night.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My top 3

The top 3 things I would do if I were a millionaire!

First in importance, helpful to humanity. Next in line would be something that satisfies me. Though things that are helpful to humanity are obviously satisfying to me, knowing that you have been a help to the world and all, things just for me are of course a necessity as well.

1)Solve world hunger
2)Stop poverty
3)Travel the WHOLE world

Solving world hunger is something every person (who has a heart) would want to do if they could. Hunger is a big problem in our world and not many people realize this fact and, unfortunatley but true, money is a major factor in doing this. So, if I were a millionaire, solving world hunger would deffinatley be my number one on my to do list.

Stopping poverty. Similarily to our world's hunger issues, poverty is a harsh reality for the lives of many. Not only in 3rd world or developing countries, but here in our own home town as well. issues with povery and impoverished places is something I have already been working towards. Every spring break for the past 3 years, I travel to Mexico to bless impoverished and despaired people with houses, food, and the company and love of the people that care about them. Stopping poverty is something I would continue to do in a larger way, if I was a millionaire.

Traveling the world is something I have wanted to do since I could understand what traveling is. And, as with most things now a days, traveling costs a lot of money. Ahh...the traveling I could do if I was a millionaire, I couldn't even begin to think about. There are so many places and things I want to see, and so many more I don't even know about! and I could see them all...

...If only I were a millionaire...