Thursday, October 30, 2008

Blog Choice; Rant

Homework. Something we can all relate to from one point in our lives as "hell". This is why I love Searcy. There are so many points against homework that I've had on my mind from the day I got my first assignment. It causes me so much stress in fact, that I started to write my own debate on it. I have thought of many great points in my argument like the following:

1)Homework is a waste of a students social life.
-When assigened hours of homework on a regular basis like done in senior high and college and university, it tends to take over a large amount of a students life. Keeping friendships is diffucult to do when there is no time in your busy schedual to get out and live your life. This can lead to many other harsh effects on a smaller scale, such as depression depression because of lonliness.

2)Homework can lead to larger health issues.
-On top of the point on depression discussed above, homework can affect a students health on a larger scale. When distracted from the outside world and cooped up in a room all the time, the outdoors becomes more and more rare and technology becomes more of a reality. We all know that technology can lead to things such as cancer. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, back and neck problems, and migranes are all issues that can become present from excess computer use.

3)Homework takes away from the other important things in a students life.
-Family, religion, and many other important things in a students life are pushed to the side when overwhelmed with too much homework.

4)Where is the limit for the amount of time spent in the books?
-Depending on your grade or classes in a college or university, there is approximately 6 hours or more spent in a classroom setting learing and doing work somewhat productively and then we are expected to spend our free time and MORE hours doing MORE work?

5)A punishment for students.
-Is it really our fault that the lecture takes more time then offered in a class? Should we be punished for not being able to do quality work in the assigned amount of time? Is it right to be punished with late marks when a homework assignment isn't done on time? These are just a few of the questions I ask myself....

Homework. Fair or not?

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